Monday, January 24, 2011


I got onto the China Airlines plane on Saturday, and as it taxied from the gate I was psyched to know that, even though the flight was pretty full, the seat next to me was empty!  On a 14-hour flight, that's definitely helpful in terms of me being "comfortable."  And I was counting my blessings, as the next seat over was filled with a very large Taiwanese dude -- very happy he wasn't next to me!

I was met at the Taipei airport by Professor Terence Tai, the Director of the research center at National Cheng Kung University that is sponsoring my visit here.  He took me to the Hara Zuru Hotel in nearby Taoyuan, which the folks here had lined up for me because it had a wireless connection.  And that was important because it gave me the opportunity, after paying a $25 to the NFL, to stream the NFC and AFC championship games that started six hours after I got to the hotel.  I had dozed enough on the plane that I woke fairly rested after a few hours sleep, and settled in to watch the Packers-Bears starting at 4 AM Taiwan time.  Great game, too close even though the Packers thoroughly dominated, and I'm very excited about the Super Bowl against the Steelers.  Go Pack!!!

After the NFC game, I went to the lobby for some quick breakfast, then went back to watch the AFC game.  I was pulling for the Jets, but a couple bad plays cost them the game.  When that was done, I showered and organized my six pieces of luggage (OK, I'm including everything here:  fanny pack, day pack, computer bag, and three pretty full suitcases) and got a taxi to the station for the new high-speed train that went into operation in the last couple years, since the last time I was here in Taiwan.  It cuts in half or more the time it takes to go from Taipei at the north of the island to the southern cities, including Tainan where I am staying.

So after a ride of less than 90 minutes, I lugged all my stuff off the train and was met there by a staffer from the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences at NCKU, who took me by the office for some paperwork and then over to the "dorm room" I'm staying in for the next 3+ months.  It's a rather spartan place -- cement floor (in desperate need of cleaning), small single "bed" (a thin mattress on a wood bench), a desk and two simple wooden chairs, no TV, common-area kitchen downstairs (I'm on the fifth floor, no elevator), and a lukewarm shower.  So be it -- when in Taiwan...

On the upside, there's a Starbucks within easy walking distance!  After falling asleep at 6PM yesterday and waking up at 3AM again, I headed over there once it got light for a cup of coffee and a roll.   It's a 3-story place, so I headed up to the top and had a view of the early sun shining in the window, looking out at the rather strange building that dominates the view from the window in my room (see photo).  For some strange reason, while I sat there reading my book on "The Money Men" (by H. W. Brands), they kept playing the same song over and over and over and over...  If that's a pattern, maybe I won't be heading over there most mornings.  There are other coffee places...

Later in the morning I went back to the Center offices to meet with the Vice-President of the university (Prof. Da Hsuan Feng), and then have lunch with Terence Tai.  Before we headed out, the staff reimbursed me in cash for my airplane ticket -- there's something I don't think happens in the States much.  I learned a little more about the kinds of research projects I'm likely to be involved in while I'm here, but I'll have more to say about all that in later posts.

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